Roberta Allen Todd Bridigum Sam Brown Alisha Campbell Pamela Carberry Laura Corcoran Jessica Driscoll Stella Ebner Ruthann Godollei Fred Hagstrom Brian Hartley Sago Morgan Hiscocks KimyiBo Donald Krumpo Jeremy Lundquist Jeanne McGee Jon Neuse Joshua Norton Drew Peterson Robert D. Peterson Jenny Schmid Jeremy Schock Patricia Scott Katherine Shannon Tonja Torgerson Anna Tsantir Brad Widness Johanna Winters
My piece was hung without glass and in an unusual way compared to other shows I've seen at Highpoint, making it more approachable, which is always a goal of mine. Twist is a screen print and woodcut that is meant to be a modular print, both editioned and flexible enough to be hung in almost any space. Over the course of an exhibition, it has the potential to grow and change over the length of an installation. Because the portfolio review for this show was last summer, the project has grown considerably and will have a different iteration in future shows.
With three new galleries in which to hang work, the bar has been raised at Highpoint to have a cycle of intriguing shows of both local and national artists, so I am excited to see how they respond to the challenge.
Thanks, too, to both the staff at Highpoint and the three curators who helped make the show a success:
Darsie Alexander, Chief Curator at the Walker Art Center
Dennis Jon, Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Diane Mullin, Associate Curator at the Weisman Art Museum