
Tracers & Flares: #1  2011
In my series, Tracers & Flairs, I create temporary installations moved by microcontroller-driven motors and sensors.  These installations, while started by me, drive themselves and unfold spontaneously.  I then record them in a series of charcoal-dusted photo/print/drawings before deconstructing them entirely and using the components to build a new installation.  These photo/print/drawings are a distillation of a fleeting performance often unseen by spectators but contacted through the prints, as well as intertextual evidence of a building relationship between the various events.  They explore how seeming static space is constantly shifting and fluxing, making us realize how much the now and before coexist in the world around us.

Beacons & Signals: #1  2011
The gum and digital print series, Beacons & Signals, explores how places carry the remnants of our inhabitation and take on a life of their own as producers, not just carriers, of meaning.  Distilled from hours of video and collaged from existing spaces, my process disjoints these stills, making it difficult to tell where they are or what they are made from.  By breaking down the boundaries between drawing, photo, print, and video, this series delves into the overlap between stillness and movement, darkness and light, silence and noise, flatness and dimensionality, absence and presence, object and human. 

Tracers & Flares: #2  2011